Friday, June 28, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (#3)

Wow, long time no blog. My intentions were certainly not to delay this blog, especially because I hate those blogs that are not maintained and publish posts like once every couple months, but life has been very busy in the Kingston household. With eight kids, eight and under, my days are so full that I can never find time to blog, let alone use the bathroom! But, honestly, I miss blogging. I know I only posted a couple of times, but I enjoyed being creative and writing about my family. So, i've decided that that blogging is going to be my "me" time from now on. A couple times a week i'm going to take some time, whether it's late at night or early in the morning or during quiet reading time for the kids, to blog. Wish me luck!

To resume blogging, I'm going to start with another edition of 7 Quick Takes...


1.  Maya is now onto her third pair of eye glasses in the last year. She's seven and I can understand that glasses are a new concept and responsibility for her, but seriously, three pairs of glasses? And glasses aren't cheap, either! The first time she left them on the floor and I stepped on them (ouch!). The second time she left them at the park and when we went back they were no longer there. So when we got her new glasses this week, Wren and I sat her down and explained to her how important it is to be responsible and treat her glasses like a prized possession. We gave her a list of rules and decided to do daily checks to make sure her glasses are either on her face or on her nightstand, do not touch the floor, and are not in reach of her younger siblings hands... or the dog's. Here's to hoping this new pair lasts!

2. This week Maya began piano lessons. Wren and I feel extra curriculars are an important part of our children's development. Only the four oldest are at an appropriate age to really benefit from extra curriculars; five being the magic age when the children can begin participating in out-of-home activities. Music is a different story, though, and all of the kids will wait until they are seven to begin playing an instrument. Well, Maya is now seven and she is absolutely thrilled to be playing the piano. For Wren and I it is necessary that our children receive exposure in all different areas of the arts, so each child is encouraged to participate in one art, one music, one sport, and one religion activity. It may seem like a lot, but we space it out throughout the year so that the kids are not overwhelmed. Plus, they enjoy every activity! We let them pick what they want to do as we know it is something they are interested in and will stick to. The four oldest are in soccer (during the spring), the boys are in year-round karate, the two oldest girls are in year-round ballet, all four are in art, and they all participate in Sunday School. We love our tiny little community that has so many extra curriculars for our kids!

3. Fourth of July is a few days away and we are busy preparing for the celebration. This is a huge holiday in our house. It is so important to honor the United States and for my kids to get an understanding of how lucky they are to live in such a great America. In the morning I serve a red, white, and blue breakfast. Red, white, and blue pancakes with red (strawberries), white (bananas), and blue (blueberries) fruit salad. After breakfast everyone, dressed in their red, white, and blue outfits, goes to the annual 4th of July parade in our town. It lasts for three hours and is fun, fun, fun. After the parade we go home and host a barbecue with all our family and friends. There's barbecue food, swimming, lots of laughter, and great memories! Around 9pm we head over to the park to watch the fireworks. When they are over we go home and go to bed. It will be a great day!

4. It has been so hot lately. Every year I look forward to summer because it means no school, but a couple weeks into summer I look forward to fall for the cool, crisp weather. Temperatures have been at an all-time high here where we live, with 100, 105, and 110 temperature days. Hot temperatures only means two things: a cranky mama and eight cranky kids. So we've been spending all our time, and by all our time I mean all our time, in the pool. We literally wakeup, eat breakfast, do chores, get in the pool, eat lunch, get in the pool, eat a snack, get in the pool, eat dinner, shower, go to bed, wakeup, and do it all over again. I'm not complaining, though, because the kids love the pool and are always happy when they are in it. It distracts them from the heat. Oh, the heat. Did I mention how hot it is? Oh, I did. Did I mention how much I can't wait for fall? Oh, I did.

5. Gabriella is nearly four months old and I cannot believe it. Where has the time gone? I know three months may not seem like much to some people, but to me, her mother, it is shocking that she is already through one-fourth of her first year of life. Gabriella is my best baby yet. She is so chill and mellow, sleeping through the night (already!) and only crying when she needs her diaper changed. Gabriella loves her siblings and gets the biggest smile on her face when she see's them. She eats like a professional eater and already weighs 16 pounds. I cannot believe Gabriella is my daughter, I feel so lucky!

6. It may be summer for the kids, but for their homeschooling mama there is always work to do. Because I am their teacher also, it means that I have work to do to prepare for the upcoming school year. Lesson planning. Curriculum planning. School calender planning. Classroom planning. School supplies planning. Planning, planning, planning! Good thing I love planning, or else I'd go crazy! I generally plan while the younger kids are down for their naps and the oldest kids are having quiet time, about three hours of uninterrupted time to myself each day. I guess people are right when they say a mother's work is never done.

7. Speaking of summer, on Friday the kids, Wren, and I will be disembarking on a two-week long road trip. My cousin has a wedding we are going to, so we thought why not drive and make a trip out of it. The kids are super excited and can't wait for the trip. We'll be hitting seven states, with about two days in each state. Not only does homeschooling involve a lot of planning, but so do road trips with large families. I've had to make a driving schedule, plan our hotels, make homemade snacks, pack for eight kids, and more. Wish us luck! I mean, woo, I can't wait!